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Diet for low blood sugar

The most common type diet for low blood sugar of functional hypoglycemia is hypoglycemia . Dr. Sealed Harris first recognized hypoglycemia in diabetics in 1923. Two main causes of events.

1 . Refined carbohydrates (sugar and white flour ) of caffeine and other stimulants in stimulating the production of insulin in the pancreas.

Two . After food intake , lack of pancreas to reduce production of insulin , increased levels of blood sugar .

The nervous system diet for low blood sugar is very sensitive to changes in blood sugar. It seems that hypoglycemia has some specific symptoms such as nervousness , irritability , fatigue and headaches.

The recommended regimen may -

1 . Six small meals a day .
Two . Diet high in diet for low blood sugar fiber, complex and low in fat and high in protein carbohydrates.
Three . Importance of whole grains , fresh vegetables (raw if possible) , and fresh fruit .
April. The minimum sugar intake .
May Avoid sweets diet for low blood sugar , but given a very small amount of candy.

June Avoid caffeine , caffeine in coffee, chocolate, tea and cola.
July. Low consumption of alcohol and avoid alcohol completely empty stomach.
August Importance diet for low blood sugar of exercise .

Look carefully at parties if your weight gain is a concern . Hypoglycemia is a chronic disease that requires special diet for low blood sugar treatment . You with a good nutrition program expects a projection healthy. Your choice of healthy snack can be -

1 . Fruits and diet for low blood sugar two biscuits for diabetics.
Two . Raw carrots , grains become bread .
Three . An ounce of low-fat cheese , and two to four grains made or biscuits for diabetics.

April. Raw nuts diet for low blood sugar , with two cups of plain popcorn .
May Plain yogurt with fresh fruit .
June 6-8 oz low-fat milk and half a banana .
July. Half oz low-fat cheese diet for low blood sugar with half a slice of whole wheat bread and half a block.

Your meal plan may include breakfast , lunch, snack , dinner, which also covers variegated fruit juice , ice, fresh fruit juice and carbonated water .

It is best to do and what not to do guide. This guide can help you to show your profile low blood sugar .

List it two must include a list of all days to a week or ten days. In the first column , insert the time to take diet for low blood sugar all the food , drinks and drugs. In the second column , the list of symptoms and their time. It is the image of consumption and symptoms. Do not stop the medication diet for low blood sugar.

If the drug causes diet for low blood sugar symptoms , consult your physician . You should avoid foods and chemicals that cause more food problems . These are sugar , white flour , alcohol , caffeine and tobacco snuff . Try to eat six small meals a day or three meals and snacks in between times , not overeating diet for low blood sugar . Try to keep your levels of blood sugar stabilized forever.

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