With increasing percentages of children who visit physicians to treat diseases , diseases and allergies, must answer some nutrition kids fundamental causes of these problems for them. Their minds and bodies so young is the best time to start teaching them important life lessons in how to take care of them really, and health is the priority. After all, what you learn is what they know. Here are some nutrition kids easy steps to incorporate into the daily routine of your family to begin to instill healthy habits.
1) First, let's start with water . Every morning and throughout the day, to introduce a new simple habit : Start with water . Body of an average adult is made up of up to 70 % of water. It is necessary to survive nutrition kids. It is necessary in all the functions of our body. Some of these functions are the regulation of body temperature, humidify the air we breathe, and helps organs absorb nutrients and expel toxins and excess salts. It is an essential element in the optimal health of our cells nutrition kids, we need water .
And most of us do not replace the amount lost every day because we have created the habit of doing . First thing in nutrition kids the morning when you wake up and the kids come into the kitchen, get used to having at least one full glass of water . Throughout the day, take a glass before each meal and snack, then one or two before bedtime. The association is easy nutrition kids, if you put something in your mouth, please begin by water. Try to work for a total of eight glasses a day.
2 ) Make sure that fresh fruit and vegetables are always convenient and accessible to their children when the time nutrition kids for a snack or a meal. Make sure they learn that every time they eat a valuable part of this group of foods to be included. They must also learn to wash all fruits and vegetables before eating them and learn about the poisons used in many cultures , we are exposed to market nutrition kids. Teach them the value to buy organic , because our bodies do not get much exposure to toxins that hinder and paralyze our systems and bodily functions .
3) Plan your meals together and help to prepare by having a list of tasks to do at every meal and spinning tasks nutrition kids. For example: the definition and clear the table , and the selection and preparation of food. Make planning a list of healthy foods for the week. If food is chosen for the night to help you prepare and explain the process of the March and the nutritional content of nutrition kids each ingredient.
Ask them to spread the food on plates with appropriate portions for each food type . Teach them clean while preparing meals. And do not forget to praise the long . One of the nutrition kids biggest advantages for the preparation of a meal, it is the enjoyment of food can contribute to others, their enjoyment of flavors , as well as recognition for the effort you took to create it nutrition kids.
4) Once you have chosen your meals for the week, you will learn how to create a shopping list based on your menu and take them shopping . Teach them the nutritional content of products that are in need in relation to other elements, nutrition kids with less nutritional value in the store (Leg fresh produce used to make meals from scratch instead of canned ) .
Show them nutrition kids how to read food labels and avoid dangerous ingredients. Teach the importance of choosing organic whole foods without additives, preservatives , genetically modified and improved hormones. Delis and small markets can provide healthier nutrition kids and more specialized products , sometimes the owners will be more than willing to help in the teaching process .
5 ) fear of new foods is almost universal in children. Encourage your child to try new foods in small amounts at the beginning of a meal, when he / she is hungry . Children have more taste buds than adults and nutrition kids food flavors are accentuated so be aware and appreciate . There is a reason liver and onions are seniors menu selection and the children's section . It is an acquired taste that we lose our sensitivity tart liver. Offer small secondary sample new foods that adults enjoy stimulate the nutrition kids natural curiosity of children.
Never force or bribe your child to try a new food, as almost always removes any preference that the child would nutrition kids otherwise be developed for food .
If you do not like today's taste, that's fine . Enjoy nutrition kids your unique palette , but at the same time , they realize they are developing a new range of new flavors. You should try again at a later date. It is recommended to try in a month. And deal with the issue differently, for example , they do nutrition kids not like tomatoes in a salad , chop them and put them in a sandwich with other flavors to mask slightly. They work in this new flavor.
6) Use of non-food products to reward good behavior more often. Take a trip to the park or the library instead of ice cream. When children associate rewards with junk and unhealthy foods , is more desirable for them nutrition kids.
In addition, the prohibition of a child eating a favorite food of desire for more, too. In order to maintain a nutrition kids minimum of "junk " ( perhaps those chocolates special Easter or Valentine's Day ) , in a single place for adults to be distributed as deemed necessary by the parent. They come to learn whenever you receive them, they are actually a special occasional nutrition kids treat with little or no nutritional content , so do not get on a regular basis .
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