May one of these solutions help you?

Lemon and honey diet


Lemons have virtually no protein or fat of about 8 . 23 % carbohydrates . lemon and honey diet Vitamin C in the composition is lemon . Lemon excels in its healing power because of the content of accompanying photochemical , which are substances that have no calories and are not vitamins or minerals. Also contain certain organic acids such as citric acid and malice acid. Also present are the flavored lemon and honey diet found in the skin and pulp of lemon. Recommended in the following areas Lemon : -

1 . Anemia Treatment lemon and honey diet: - Lemon should be a regular part of the diet of a person suffering from anemia. Although the iron-containing very low , it is a very powerful anti because it increases the absorption of iron supplied in other plant foods . Anemia patient may not use the lime treatment lemon and honey diet, but can be used a range of lime.

Two . Kidney Stone Treatment: - Treatment of lemon is very effective in helping to dissolve kidney stones , especially when lemon and honey diet it is lemon and honey diet caused by uric acid.

Three . Remove uric acid lemon and honey diet : - Uric acid is produced in the body when you consume animal products . Lemon is very effective in the elimination of uric acid, a waste product in the body and must be eliminated in the urine. This is when they are deposited in the common uric acid that causes rheumatoid arthritis lemon and honey diet and pain.

the loonies lime content enhances the capillary walls , improving elasticity of the arteries and improving blood circulation and prevent blood clotting lemon and honey diet .

May Cancer treatment - a substance called Terence found in lemon peel proved able to neutralize some carcinogens.

June Treatment of infection : - lime is suitable for all types of infectious diseases , vitamin C viral or bacterial or due to lemon and honey diet. Also stimulate the body's immune system.

LEMON Therapy: - The lime treatment was conducted over a period of two weeks. The first day is drink lemon juice diluted lemon and honey diet in water half an hour before breakfast . Accordingly days a lemon is added each day until September lemons. From this point, the order is reversed to a lemon on the last day. Lemon zest by network may be included in the water and the juice is filtered before drinking lemon and honey diet.

Note: - children , the elderly , people with low levels of calcium , renal failure or anemia should not use this lemon treatment . Not recommended lemon large amounts in these conditions.


Honey can be defined as the natural sweet substance produced by bees. Honey is the only food source that lemon and honey diet is known to contain 22 nutrients necessary for a balanced diet. Easily into the bloodstream to produce the instantaneous energy . It heals and prevents the other.

1 . Honey improve clear view : - Honey can treat cataracts and other problems when diluted with water and applied directly to the eye for a long period of time. Drinking water should be placed in a small container of lemon and honey diet eye drops own and mixed with 5-6 drops of honey.

Two . Restores appetite loss : - Grapefruit juice mixed with honey is a valuable remedy for restoring the appetite.

Three . Honey cures asthma - A spoonful of honey with half a glass of warm water should be taken three times a day until the patient is relieved lemon and honey diet.

April. Honey to cure cough - Grind some bitter tail about 5 pieces and mix the powder with o'clock of natural honey to form a syrup . 3 tablespoons three times a day for adults and 1 table spoonful three times a day for children lemon and honey diet.

May Honey improve proper erection in men : - Honey contain zinc , sexual ore , a tablespoon of honey dissolved in half a glass of warm water taken one hour before sexual lemon and honey diet intercourse is a good remedy for erection low.

June The honey mixed with olive oil, when he sent a message on the scalp and leave on hair for 30 minutes before shampooing is a good treatment for hair loss .

July. Honey heals stomach ulcers lemon and honey diet: - A mixture of two tablespoons of honey in warm water could be taken a few minutes before each meal are . The bacteria were removed from the stomach of honey.

August Honey taken with a little lemon and honey diet water before bedtime increases deep sleep.

9 . Honey heals sore throat : - Add the juice of one lemon in a cup of hot water , sweeten with two tablespoon of honey and drink .

10 . Cure dry skin when mixed with body lotion

11 . Voltage and resistance of lemon and honey diet the body.

12 . Aids proper functioning of the liver due to fructose which promotes the secretion of glycogen in the liver.

13. Heals burns and prevent scarring and Khalid when applied directly to the affected skin. It should be applied on the first day lemon and honey diet of the combustion efficiency.

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