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Healthy teen diet

Adolescents need more energy and thus more nutrients than children from any other age group. Health, healthy teen diet active adolescents generally have a good appetite and is very important to provide adequate food instead of letting them eat fatty snacks, sweet or savory. Fresh and dried fruits are a healthy alternative to chips and candy.

While the young person must have in his / her healthy diet?

Means healthy eating among healthy teen diet adolescents with a healthy and balanced diet that meets the needs of adolescents `for energy. This menu should include fruits, vegetables and starchy foods and a moderate amount of protein-rich foods in addition to milk and milk products. Foods that are high in fat, especially healthy teen diet saturated fat, sugar and salt are acceptable only in small doses. The following foods play an important role in any healthy eating teenager:

Milk, cheese, healthy teen diet yogurt, soy, tofu cheese and nuts are excellent sources of calcium necessary for the formation and growth of bones and teeth development;
Full breakfast, butter with added vitamins and fatty fish are the sources of vitamin D. Remember we talked about healthy teen diet the importance of calcium? Well, the work of vitamin D is to help the absorption of calcium in the blood.

Sunlight is actually the main source of vitamin D, but exposure to sunlight should be limited because healthy teen diet it can lead to sunburn. Please stay safe in the sun; Iron is essential for healthy blood. Research shows that modern teenagers are not getting enough iron. Meat, fish and liver are rich in iron healthy teen diet.

Beans, vegetables and breakfast cereals full of vitamins also contain a good amount of iron. Please healthy teen diet note that the consumption of liver more than once a week can have a negative effect on bone, because the liver also contains large amounts of vitamin A;
Your teen should eat at least two servings of fish per week healthy teen diet.

One of these portions should be oily fish. Fish is an excellent source of protein, vitamins and minerals and healthy teen diet contains very little saturated fat. Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Males are safe to eat up to four servings of fish, while women should limit their intake to two servings of fish a week, because it can affect your reproductive system.

Healthy eating among adolescents should include foods that contain folic acid (a natural form of folic acid) healthy teen diet, vegetable and rice, as well as breads and cereals fortified with vitamins; Citrus fruits (oranges and lemons), tomatoes and potatoes are good sources of vitamin C, which helps the immune system. Vitamin C also helps in the absorption of iron, so it is beneficial to drink fruit juice when you eat iron-rich foods healthy teen diet.

These are the main foods that make up a healthy diet teenager. We need to focus on growing big and strong to keep teeth healthy and helping the immune system defends the body properly - system based healthy teen diet on macro and micronutrients provide it all. Keep it simple and natural. Practice moderation in everything, including food and enjoy your meal!

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